Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics: The Market, Top Players, and the Future

The market segment for Business Intelligence & Big Data Analytics Depending on the particular industry, organization size, and business objectives, the target market segments for business intelligence (BI) and big data analytics may vary. But there are a few essential sectors that frequently profit from BI and big data analytics solutions: Large businesses in an array…

Why should Korean Tech Companies plan to build business units like Software Development, Sales/Marketing & Client Support Teams in India?

Establishing business operations in India, such as offshore development centers, R&D centers, sales and marketing teams, and client support teams, can be very advantageous for Korean technology companies looking to expand internationally. Here are a few key reasons for how this strategic approach may accelerate their expansion and success: Access to a large talent pool: India…

Expanding Horizons: The Opportunity for Korean Businesses to Enter International Markets.

Korea has emerged as a global economic powerhouse, with its chaebols and domestic system integration (SI) firms fueling domestic growth. However, in order to sustain long-term success and remain competitive throughout the present-day connected world, Korean enterprises must broaden their focus outside their traditional bases. This article suggests that Korean enterprises should actively explore business-related…