April 27, 2024

Why You Should Hire A Professional Fundraiser To Help You With Your Capital Raise Goals?

professional fundraiser

A professional fundraiser helps charitable organizations with their fundraising tasks. Depending on what the organization needs, they may provide more hands-on support in carrying out fundraising efforts, or they may give consultancy services and help lead your fundraising plan. This can involve writing grants, coordinating fundraising events, approaching potential contributors directly, or even organizing campaigns to raise money for your group.

Incorporating professional fundraisers into your internal fundraising endeavors can be highly beneficial as they possess the requisite training, expertise, and understanding of evolving donor patterns and behavior.

When Do You Need Professional Fundraising?

At any point in the lifespan of your organization, when you hire a professional fundraiser, they may assist in filling in the gaps in your fundraising efforts. Whether you’re planning a capital campaign, just starting out in fundraising, or wanting to boost income, enlisting outside assistance can have a significant impact on your outcomes.

Reasons for Considering the Services of a Qualified Agency or Fundraiser:

  • Insufficient internal staff: Well-run nonprofit organizations frequently have entire departments devoted to fundraising, with groups for big gifts, events, sponsorships, yearly and monthly contributions, stewardship, donor services, and more. Your nonprofit may need to think about hiring outside assistance if it has large goals but few employees who can commit to fundraising efforts.
  • Training internal personnel: Even if you have a sufficient number of internal staff members handling fundraising, it’s possible that they lack the requisite knowledge. Hiring a fundraising consultant might be beneficial, for instance, if one of your objectives is to carry out an online fundraising campaign but all of your employees have only worked with direct mail.
  • Reaching unknown audiences: Professionals in fundraising collaborate with numerous organizations similar to yours and own a network of possible sponsors, vendors, and partners. They are able to recognize possibilities and approaches that you might not be aware of for introducing your company to new audiences.
  • Organizing a fundraising program: Starting from the beginning necessitates a thorough understanding of how to optimize your organization’s resources as well as experience in that field. Once the program is up and running, your in-house personnel will be able to manage it, but hiring someone to assist with its planning and implementation is not a bad idea.
  • Starting an investment campaign: Executing a capital campaign is a massive task that frequently takes years. They entail numerous moving components and depend on every fundraising initiative cooperating to achieve the same goal. Engaging outside assistance to organize and manage the campaign might be beneficial even if your team is entirely composed of seasoned fundraisers.

Tips for Hiring a Professional Fundraiser

It’s fantastic that you have chosen to work with a professional fundraiser! When seeking outside assistance, bear the following points in mind to get the best capital raising consulting service:

1. Make a Comprehensive Search

Recruiting an agency or independent contractor is similar to recruiting a new employee in that you should look around and consider your possibilities.

First, decide if the fundraiser may work remotely or if they must be present in person. It could be essential that local donors have some experience with your area if your organization depends on them. The physical location of the consultant or agency is less important if you’re trying to raise money online, but in order to maintain legal matters, they need to at least live in the same state as your organization.

Make a shortlist of three or four people or organizations, then ask them to draft a proposal for your company. Make sure you get recommendations from other NGOs they have collaborated with. These two will assist you in reaching the best choice.

2. Check Legal Compliance

After you’ve decided on a professional fundraiser, find out what your state requires of you to maintain legal compliance by checking the legislation. You will need to follow certain financial reporting guidelines and be registered to solicit donations, at the very least.

3. Create a Contract

Prior to beginning your collaboration, confirm that you both agree on:

  • The range of work
  • Your objectives
  • Deadlines
  • Deliverables

Choose whether to pay the fundraiser on an hourly or project-based basis for their services. Remember that paying the fundraiser a commission for the donations they bring in is regarded as unethical.

Create a formal contract to record the aforementioned information during the capital raising service. You might need to submit this contract together with your registration paperwork and financial reports, depending on the regulations in your state.


It can be costly to hire a fundraiser with experience. It is your responsibility to determine whether an individual’s services are worth the amount they are asking for and whether their efforts are benefiting your company.